Miyerkules, Hunyo 1, 2011

Skin food rice shimmer powder

I love loose and face powders!!!!
Have you seen skin food rice shimmer?
here's an actual pic of the product..

back label of rice shimmer..
isn't it huge?
I had this last year and yet its still 90% filled.


the cam in my laptop is sooo damn blurry.
the powder has shimmer.. 
for those who doesn't like shimmery powder this is not for you..
i love shimmers!

when blended..

in actual: the shimmer is visible but doesn't look like disco ball lol.
it will only add radiance to your skin..
just a warning.. for those who are prone to allergies, you'll have to test this first..
3 consecutive days of using this powder surprisingly gave me rashes sigh..
but anyway i will just use this on special occasions..
2x or 3x a week of using the powder won't have your sensitive skin...
that's just based on my experience..
anyway.. there's no harm in trying hehheheh

2 komento:

  1. Thank you for this review. I think your the first person to do an English review of this online! I bought this and personally I find it a BIT drying and not very great at controlling oil :( Did you find that problem? I kept having to repply like crazy

  2. tnx also for the comment. hmm i think the oil control of this powder is not that great (my skin is prone to acne, oily and scars is one of my problems).
    I also observed base from my experience, when you are inside an air conditioned room, this powder will make your skin dry.. and made my scars more reddish to look at.
    But when your outside, this is the best powder, it will make your skin healthy to look at, but the problem is oiliness.. you need to apply often in order to maintain the healthy looking skin.
    how about you? are you also oily?
